Oladips & Rexxie – Te Button

Te Button” is a captivating track by Nigerian rapper Oladips, renowned for his distinctive style and powerful delivery. In this song, Oladips collaborates with acclaimed Nigerian record producer and beat maker Rexxie, known for his exceptional production skills.

Together, they create a fascinating musical experience that showcases Oladips’ lyrical prowess and Rexxie’s top-tier production. The synergy between Oladips’ dynamic rap flow and Rexxie’s infectious beats makes “Te Button” a standout track in the Nigerian music scene.

Reggie O'Kenneth Bebe, Reggie – Bebe ft. O’Kenneth
audio Te Button by Oladips Ft. Rexxie
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Reggie O'Kenneth Bebe, Reggie – Bebe ft. O’Kenneth

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